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O3 Ozone - Oxygen Medicine:

O3 Ozone-Oxygen Therapy in Sport - a Case Report:

60 Athletes - Sport Traumatism, Muscular and Articular Lesions

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Oxygen-Ozone O3 Therapy in the Sport: a Case Report.

60 Athletes - Sport Traumatism, Muscular and Articular Lesions

Re L, Giovagnoli L., Belegni R., Francesca R. and Re F. (Italy)


The employment of the oxygen-ozone therapy in the muscular and articular lesions has been neglected in the past both for the presence of consolidated principles by the pharmacological point of view like FANS, corticosteroids, etc, and for the presence of instrumental and rehabilitative techniques endowed with a certain and sure action.


The observations of recovery in the sport traumatism, so as rapid as more precocious it is the treatment from the moment of the traumatic event, the disappearance of muscular lesions and the full restitutio ad integrum of the athletes submitted to the ozone treatment has conducted us to propose this case report both for the excellent result and for the completeness of the anamnesis, the instrumental and the therapeutic data available.


The report describes the effect obtained in a subject of masculine sex, age 18, belonging to the National Athletic Italian League for the specialties 100 and 200 meters. The patient showed a history of trauma to the right leg during a competition the preceding year with diagnosis of femoral two-headed stretching after a complete RMN examination.


Due to the chronic persistence of the diagnostic elements after the most common therapeutic treatments and the presence of pain symptoms, which makes still precarious the normal athletic preparation activity, the athlete was submitted to our evaluation for a possible therapy through oxygen-ozone. After careful anamnesis evaluation it is decided to intervene with biweekly sessions through intra-muscular administration of oxygen-ozone (8-12 µg/mL), during 4 weeks.


Every session, performed with circadian personalized protocol, it foresaw the administration to divide of 60 cc of mixture to the concentration of which above in the nearness of the zone interested from the lesion and of 30 cc in the same muscular area of the symmetric limb.


The resumption of the trainings has already happened progressively before the end of the cycle. The athlete has continued to gradually train himself underlining the absence of any painful or contractile phenomenon.


The complete absence of symptoms has also been confirmed by the control RMN performed at the end of the treatment where "any alterations of the right semi-membranous muscle could be appreciated, neither alterations of the vascular structures were present.


To the light of the results of which above, thanks also to the acquired documentation executed in different clinics and accomplishedly documented, ozone therapy is set as matter of scientific discussion in relationship to its potential employment in the sport trauma. Our casuistry in the last year of reference is appraisable in around 60 athletes divided for various disciplines.


In the almost totality of the athletes (85 %) a resumption of the competitive activity is occurred within the first week by the ozone treatment with a limitation to the employment of medicines, usually not deprived from serious collateral effects mainly after their chronic assumption.









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